Bed bug bites do give itches

Most of the people don't realize that they have a bed bug problem until they don't get a bite. These bugs usually make their move during your sleep. You will get a bite because these bugs like to suck your blood. And you will not feel any pain because they introduce a anticoagulant into your blood stream in order to make it flow better.

bed bug bites on humans

Many humans get an itchy sensation when they wake up and notice a red dot on their skin. This is the first sign that you have been bitten by the bed bugs. The redness you will notice is caused by the allergic reaction that you body has to the saliva of the bug. The look of the mark is very different from a person to another. Also, as the time passes the shape and the color of the bite will change. It usually looks like a mosquito bite. The reaction to any bed bug bite can be delayed and can appear after many days from the bite.

Most of the people, over 70% of the population, get an itching feeling on their skin. This can be very uncomfortable and may produce a bad looking swell. The itch gets worse as the person begins to scratch the spot. It can develop into a real great pain.

The only good thing about bed bug bites is that they don't spread any germs. It is true that the itching can be very annoying by we must be thankful that we don't get any other nasty things from these bugs.

Most of the citizens have the next question: Do bed bug bites itch?

Well, in some cases bed bug bites can itch. If you get an itch from bed bug bites the main thing you must not do it so scratch the place. If you scratch the sensation will get worse.

To get rid of the sensation you can wash the spot with some warm water and a nice soap. Also, if you have a pretty bad allergy to these bites you can place an anti-itch cream on the skin.